Tuesday 30 November 2010

Justice Points & New Blog!

OK, First off, has anybody noticed how over priced 'Justice Point Gear' is. I recently went to the Justice Point shop to buy some BoA for my warrior and its now 50x the price (approx). And Yes, i know that you also get around 100 JP per random heroic. Here are my figures:
Old Emblem system:
8 Emblems per Dungeon. (I don't remember exact figure).
40 Emblems for the cheapest piece of boa.
That's about 5 Dungeons.
New system:
100 JP per dungeon. (Average).
2175 JP for cheapest BoA item.
22 Dungeons.

Which, If my statistics are correct, means that boa is 4-5 times the price. Is this just Blizzard's way of nerfing BoA and making it more fair for newer players? Or do they just want us to grind JP endlessly before cataclysm? Hopefully we will be able to gain more JP as soon as cataclysm comes out.

Sunday 28 November 2010

Wetlands is even Wetter? What?

So i was making a dwarf shaman and levelling him thru the zones. And when i got to wetlands i was a bit confused. When i read a bit of a quest, it said that wetlands is flooded. When i heard that, I didn’t understand how this is possible. That a map that is full of water, can be flooded even more. At Menethal Harbour, water was swarming the houses... but when i went into a basement in one of the houses, it was completely dry. Heres the part where i have to make a sarcastic joke. 'I can haz realism?' See what i did there. :D

Wetlands in patch 4.0.3a
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